Huwebes, Marso 23, 2017

Some thoughts way back...

I love this verse in the Bible, in Psalms 37:7 it says, " Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry our their wicked schemes." This is so true, sometimes we (I personally) become impatient in waiting when we want to do something instantly. We like to climb the ladder of success from bottom to top in just a short period of time. We expedite things because it's crazy to wait for how long, you don't know. There are times that we feel bit envious when we see others succeeded in just a short period of time.  God spoke to me, telling me to be still and to trust Him because He knows what's going on in my life. And even my future, He is sure that I am well taken care of.

I'm kind of bothered the past few days. I struggled because I'm over thinking things and concurring events in my life. My mind is restless. This is not good, health wise. To ease my burden, I started talking to my Christian friends and some trusted friends on what's going on with me. One friend lovingly,reminded me that what I gave to others, is not mine but God's. I'm only a steward of what God gave me. And if people outwit me or steal from me, they are stealing from God. The devil put this lie in my heart that helping (financially) the person I hardly know is plain stupidity. The devil destroyed my peace, feeding me negative thoughts and a number of  "what ifs." The devil sowed seeds of doubt in my heart making me ask myself, "did i do the right thing?" But  I know I did the right thing because the moment I decided to help the person, the burdened I carried the whole night (thinking and praying how can I help) faded away. I really felt the urgency to do something to help this person. And so I did. God knew what's in my heart. Why I do that. I know the feeling of wanting to achieve something important or wanting to make something happen but you can't because you don't have the resources? I know the feeling of having nothing but some good people unexpectedly helped me. When I was confined in the hospital few years ago, I don't have a single penny to pay the hospital bills so I can be discharged. Where did the P45,000 cash came from? It's God's provision through various people He prompted to help me financially. It was an answered prayer. And it only proved that in my nothingness God showed His greatness. Where did my healing came from? It's from the Great Healer of all times. Where did my provision came from? It's from the Great Provider who is always on time---Jesus.

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