Linggo, Hunyo 8, 2014

How To Handle Stress At Work

 Whether you like it or not, stress at work is inescapable. No matter how you tried to keep things under control, you will experience bombshells in the workplace.I'm not exempted from this wonted working scenario. Occasionally I was stressed out by the unforeseen incidents at work. Especially, if I missed out salient tasks. I know when stress is zapping me already because I experience some kind of mild chilling and I can feel my knees weakened. As soon as I feel those unusual feelings, I rebuke it and utter a silent prayer for God to calm me and keep me focus on the situation so I can figure out, by His grace what to do. Let me share with you, some tips I've learned for five years of working, in handling work-related stress.

Stress Factor #1-Angry Boss

Why is the boss angry? The common answer is---it's either you missed doing an important task or you have this recurrent job inefficiencies. Bosses are usually pissed of when an employee keep on repeating same mistakes even though they give clear instructions on what to do.

Don't freak out when the boss is furious  because of your mistake. Be humble and polite in your conversation with him/her even if he/she is already shouting at the top of his/her lungs. "A gentle answer turns wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1. Consider this Bible verse as a reminder for you.

Stress Factor#2-Unfamiliar Tasks/Assignments

You might be given an assignment or a particular task that  you are not familiar with. What's annoying is the deadline associated with that task. You are like, "What the?! How will I do this?" Then you started to feel dismayed and pressured that you can't think of a way how to solve your problem and meet the deadline.

One best way to start this "new challenge" for you is to ask questions. Ask your boss on how to do the task. I believe a good and concerned boss is willing to help you accomplish your task. He or she might give you some tips if necessary. Do not assume. Always ask if you are not sure on what to do, and how to do it. Have a talk with old employees who knew the company's system and procedures.
Stress Factor#3-Unmet Deadlines

Do you like deadlines? I don't. Because deadlines make me feel pressured to accomplish the task. So when I'm pressured, I'm also stressed. But you know that deadlines are good motivators? If you only see the positive side of it, you will realize that a deadline serves as a motivation for you to accomplish the given task without any delay. Since you are looking on that particular date to finish the project or particular task given to you, you are now aware that every second of your working time is important. And that there's not time for your "para mag petiks." Because of deadline you will feel some sense of urgency, but still should not be pressured if you know the procedure on how to do it.

To avoid inconvenience, aim to finish the given task or assignment before the deadline date. This way you won't be stressed out when the deadline date comes because you are prompt in doing your task. The boss will actually get angry at you if she/he gives you deadlines but you are not able to accomplish on the said date because it's either you are procrastinating things at work. Know what to prioritize in your job. Be prompt in accomplishing the task given to you by your boss.

Those are few to mention among the many factors of stress causing situations in the workplace. I hope these tips help you in handling stress at work. Make this your inspiration: Colossians 3:23, "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." When you have this mindset, working for you no matter how challenging the task is, won't be that burdensome. You will experience a hassle-free, stress-free working life when you consider God as your Big Boss rather than men.

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