Huwebes, Abril 16, 2015

Rest in God's Guidance

Last night on our D-group meeting in CCF, we talked about resting in God's guidance. This is a timely topic because I was kind of restless (emotionally and mentally) for the past few days. I over-think things and concurring events in my life causing me anxieties and mix emotions dilemma. I'm a vivacious thinker. When I look at the wall, I don't just think what it is made of. I think beyond. I think what lies inside the wall. What's the story behind it. When I write stories I used vivid flashbacks description and dialogues. I want details and I have a vibrant imagination. I wish I can write renowned stories like J.K Rowling or J.R.R Tolkien. Stories that will turn into famous motion pictures. But I guess, it's not my time yet. And I think I need to take Creative/Investigative writing courses so I can be fully equipped.  Besides, I am working 9 hours a day 5 times a week and I can only write blogs when I'm not that busy. Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, the past few days are kind of toxic because of the many reasons I can't quiet figure out the ultimate cause. By God's grace I was reinvigorated last night.

What does it mean to rest in God's guidance. God assures us in Psalm 46;10, "Be still and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world." Why did God is telling us to be still and to know that He is God. Can you remain still on the midst of life's raging storms? Can you remain still when you are diagnosed with an untreatable disease? Can you remain still when your love one dies? Humanly speaking, we can't. We might be furious, scared, anxious over unlikely unexpected events that happen to us. But when you know who God is and what He can do, you will be still. To be still means to trust in God that He can causes all things to work together for your good. To be still means to obey God knowing that obedience brings blessings to your life. To be still means to be confident that God is faithful, God is good and God is powerful.

God is faithful to His promises. When God promised Abraham that his descendants will become a great nation, He fulfilled it. But the promise didn't happen the shortcut way. The Israelites were enslaved for 400 years before God brought them to Canaan. Good and bad things happen to these people along the way, nevertheless God's faithfulness remains constant. He still brought the Israelites to the Promise Land. It doesn't matter how God fulfills His promises for He works in mysterious beautiful ways. Whatever God had said, He will surely do.

God can take the Israelites to the Promise Land, by the shortest and comfy way possible but instead He took them through the zigzag path called wilderness to cross the Red Sea (Exodus 13:17-18). The people don't understand the ways of the Lord so they complained a lot on every obstacles they encountered. While on their way to the Promise Land, they longed to be back in Egypt, their comfort zone. God will sometimes take us out of our comfort zones because He wants to bring us into a better place. He wants to change the course of our lives so that we won't remain stagnant for good. And when we leave our comfort zones, the feeling is awkward. We have fears and uncertainties on the "what ifs". Sometimes we don't understand what God is doing in our lives, we don't understand His ways because His ways are not our ways and His thoughts not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8) Knowing that God is good, we can be confident that He only want whats best for us. 1 Peter 5:7 reminds us to cast all our anxieties to Him for He cares for us.

God can do what's impossible to the human point of view. Because He is powerful He created the whole wide world by mere words. Amazing powerful words. Let there be light! And there was light. God won't leave you alone in your walk in life. He led the Israelites himself to the Promise Land using a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21). Today, the Holy Spirit is our guide in leading us to the way of God. God's Word is the lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). By reading God's Word we will know the instructions to have a successful and prosperous life. We will find God's guidance in the Bible. Sadly, many of us missed this privilege to be guided because although we claim to believe that the Word of God is powerful, yet we do not read it and meditate on it.

These three truths of who God is (God is faithful,good and powerful) reinvigorated me last night. It gives me courage to put down all my life's baggage and rest in the Lord. I surrendered to God all that bothered me for many days, He will take care of it for sure. It is also good to talk to people who knew the Lord because they will encourage you the godly way. Shyla, one of my trusted friend, reminded me that whatever I gave to others is not mine, but God's. And if people outwit me or stole from me, they stole from God. She also said to ignore the negative thoughts but instead I should focus on who God is. I take this sound advice and now I'm relieved.