Martes, Abril 29, 2014

Shut your mouth, control yourself

Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way.
-James 3:2

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Whether we admit it or not, we often sin and hurt other people by the words we utter out of overwhelming negative emotions we felt. But if we can only learn how to shut our mouths, then we can also learn to control ourselves. Our tongues can either make us or break us. Proverbs 21:23 says "watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble." True isn't it? We often get ourselves in trouble when we say something offensive to another person and that person got angry. Sometimes that trouble started by our tactless talking ends up a crime. The tongue is described as a flame of fire in the Bible. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. (James 3:6). Of course we speak by what we feel, so if our hearts are full of negative feelings, we speak negatively as well. But if our hearts are positive, our mouths utter good things. It's ironic because we can tame all  kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, fish but no one can tame the tongue! (James 3:7).

          It is always a daily battle for me on how to control myself and the words I speak. Before, taming my tongue on my own usually ends up in failure. Why? Because I lack something very important, that is the Holy Spirit's guidance in my life. I always pray that God will help me to have self control and discipline especially in talking. Because when I'm angry i talked nonsense, offensive words that cause me to sin against God and the people around. I started to get frustrated because I haven't changed. But then God told me through the Bible what to do. I need to submit myself to God, resist the devil (who causes you to curse with your mouth and speak bad words) and he will flee from me.(James 4:7).  I prayed to God asking for the Holy Spirit to guide me and teach me how to control myself, then I read the Bible daily so i will know God more, get closer with Him and find out what promises He has for me. These simple steps  taught me  self control that even when i feel bad about the situation or the other person, I'm able to say words, the  nice way. I remember that a gentle answer deflects anger  but harsh words make tempers flare. (Proverbs 15:1).

          The key to self control and the taming of tongue is submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Praying without ceasing and being Spirit-filled will make you victorious over bad attitude. How to become Spirit-filled? By devoting yourself to prayer and meditation of God's Word. The more you talk and listen to God, the more you get to know Him. The more you know Him, the more you will trust Him. And the more you trust Him, the more you become victorious over things in life may it be personal struggles, bad attitude, temptations, problems and many more.